3,700 Kenyans have in 48 hours signed a petition dubbed ‘No Guns in our Clubs’ on change.org. The petition demands safe work spaces for disc jockeys, for club owners to declare clubs as gun-free, and justice for Felix Orinda popularly known as Dj Evolve who was shot twice in the neck on the morning of Friday, January 17, 2020 at B Club in Nairobi. This incident brings to question the state of workplace safety in public places of entertainment.

“In addition to the long working hours that DJs are subjected to, pay that is often not commensurate to these hours and now gun-wielding revelers-this creates an occupational hazard.” Association of DJs DJ Shock (Jacqueline Mugo) said.

Under the umbrella body ‘Dj’s for Justice’, Disc Jockeys are demanding for. DJs should not be subjected to an environment where guns are wielded and their safety is threatened.

“We support the DJs as they demand for clubs to be gun-free spaces. When we go to nightclubs, we do not expect to be shot. Gun violence doesn’t discriminate: when a gun is discharged in a public place, it poses a risk not only to the intended target but to everyone there. When such an incident is perpetrated by an elected Member of Parliament in clear contravention of Chapter 6 of the Constitution, it demonstrates disrespect for life and human rights.” Amnesty International Kenya Executive Director Irũngũ Houghton said.

Article 26 of our Constitution guarantees the right to life for every single Kenyan. Chapter 6 of the Constitution provides that State officers must act in a manner that brings honor to the nation and dignity to the office and in a manner that demonstrates respect for the people.